The Multi-Million-Pound Exit

Sector: Start-ups

The Overview

Not all our start-up clients make it big, but this one did. The type of big that entrepreneurs dream about at night. Starting off as a one-man band, growing consistently, until within four years, the company became the subject of a multi-million-pound acquisition. Our client had a great, niche, business idea, and was in fact much more focused on the actual service his company provided to its clients, almost not noticing the tremendous business model that was being built around it.

We guided him from the early stages of his first seed investors, providing him with regular support, feedback and advice to ensure that his business structure and contracts continued to develop at an appropriate pace to keep up with company’s growth.

Along the way, we drafted shareholders agreements, articles of association, employee service contracts and contractor agreements and client and supplier agreements. The whole time, we kept things simple and kept our costs down, which meant that our client could focus on his business, without being burdened by big legal bills, or too much red tape.

A few years later, it all paid off: the client caught the eye of a much bigger enterprise and offered a deal he simply couldn’t refuse. We completed the business cycle by guiding the client through the process of being acquired by a major international corporate group, ensuring that our client’s interests were protected throughout.

The acquisition process went smoothly because the business had appropriate protection over its assets and its intellectual property and the right legal contracts in place. That meant that there were no nasty surprises for the buyer in its due diligence and our client was able to enjoy his well-earned exit.

Sectors we work with

We provide services for a number of different sectors including start-ups, property developments, small businesses and more.


We help you from day one, and stay with you all the way. From incorporating your company, to advising you on the terms of your articles of association and shareholders agreement.

Small Businesses

We help small businesses in all different types of industries. From early stage, high growth, online businesses to long-established bricks and mortar companies.

Media Clients

Our media clients love the fact that we’re experienced in the world of media and understand their industry and their way of doing things.

Online and Ecommerce

We work with hundreds of online and ecommerce clients. Creating solutions to help make the world an easier, more connected and more enjoyable place to live.


We’re proud to work with a number of leading online banking and payment processors, bitcoin and crypto-currency trading solutions and peer-to-peer lending platforms.

Property Development

We can advise you quickly and easily on the options available to you and guide you through market practice and investor expectations.

Get in touch today

We’re always happy to discuss any new ideas or legal questions you may have. So, feel free to get in touch with us today. Just complete the form below and hit ‘Submit’ or click on the ‘Request Callback’ button and we’ll be delighted to speak with you.

020 3695 8920